Nine of the eleven all-time North Carolina K-Hounds joined a score or so of fellow RUSA members along with four non-members on Aug-17 to ride, picnic, celebrate RUSA's 15th birthday, and generally have a good time.
The two missing NC K-Hounds probably had good reasons for missing the festivities: Joel Lawrence's
excuse is / was something about just having finished riding some Endless Mountains delivering his daughter to NC State University where she is entering her freshman year; John Olmstead's excuse is / was that he now lives in Florida.
Also in attendance was Tidewater, Virginia randonneur Jacob Anderson, who will attain K-Hound status for the first time later this this year (he has 8900+ RUSA kms credited as of Aug-23).
Raleigh Region RBA Alan Johnson offered two rides as part of the fun: a 200k ACP brevet, and a 100k RUSA Populaire. Fifteen people completed the 200 on the day, plus two volunteering K-Hounds did separate solo worker's rides the prior weekend. Ten people completed the 100 on the day, plus two volunteering K-Hounds did a worker's ride the previous day. In addition to Alan, there were at least three other RUSA members that joined the festivities, but did not ride; there were also at least two non-cycling spouses present.
The lowest and highest RUSA number credited with completing the 200 were: #1287, Phil Creel of South Carolina; and #8939, Julie Clark. The lowest and highest RUSA number credited with completing the 100 were: #1803, Steven Andreas; and #8462, Steve Greene. [For a complete list of RUSA members credited with riding, use the "Results" function on the RUSA website.]
Since this is the K-Hound blog, here are some finish photos of the K-Hounds in attendance.
But first, a photo of RBA Alan, RUSA #306, in early action preparing some food for the grill. He was soon to take his position doing his favorite thing about being the RBA -- checking people in at the end of the ride. Alan had the second lowest RUSA # at the cookout. Lowest #? Alan's long-time friend and oft ride partner: Mike O'Connor, RUSA #215. |
Mick Hogan, L, and Martin Shipp, R, took over burger and hotdog burning responsibilities. Each first attained K-Hound status in 2012. |
Three-time K-Hound (2010, 11, 12) Dean Furbish attempted to instruct Mick and Martin on proper burger burning technique. |
2012 K-Hound "Ricochet" Robert Bergeron ended his ride with a big smile. He always does. |
2011 K-Hound "Turbo" Tim Lucas also ended his ride with a smile. Or is that a grimace? As of this date, Tim is the only North Carolinian to have earned the RUSA "Coast-to-Coast 1200km" award. |
2010 K-Hound Mike Dayton managed to acquire some cramps during his 200, but was still smiling at the finish. (Lois Springsteen should like this photo.) |
Not yet a K-hound Jacob Anderson, smiling at the finish of his Populaire (I think he's angling for a "RUSA Cup.") Jacob lives in the Tidewater area of Virginia, but we like him anyway. |
2012 K-Hound Mary Florian just off her bike after finishing her 100. Mary is our only female K-Hound in North Carolina. (That's her super-domestique and husband Tom in the background.) |
2011 K-Hound Bryan Rierson was looking a bit demented when he finished his 200. |
2010 K-Hound Jerry Phelps volunteered, but had to leave before Bob showed up with his camera. However, here is a photo of Jerry from earlier this year, in front of Clyde's Curious Critters, somewhere in Chatham County. [This is the only photo not taken by Bob Bingham; I can't recall who took the photo, but I'm sure I have permission to use it.] |
Remnants at the end of the day. |
[Thanks to Bob Bingham for all the above photos except the one noted as otherwise. Thanks also to "Sag Ittandy" for some photoshop assistance.]